Eracobuild aims at strengthening and enlarging the strategic networking of RDI programmes in the field of “construction and operation of buildings” initiated in the previous ERABUILD coordination action. Eracobuild gathers 33 programme owners or managers coming from 16 EU Members States, 4 Associated Countries, 1 European Region and Western Balkan Country.
The new countries will benefit from the experience and results of the 15 programmes owners/managers (10 countries) which already launched 5 joint calls in ERABUILD and agreed on two future trans-national programmes on “Sustainable renovation of buildings” and “Value driven construction process” to be implemented in Eracobuild.
New topics for joint activities will also be developed in Eracobuild, such as the identification of other RTD priorities especially, but not only, in relation to industry needs, pre/co-normative research and the optimal use of existing research facilities and the development of new ones. Joint activities (studies, clustering and calls for proposals …) will be implemented in these new fields in parallel to the trans-national programmes.
Eracobuild is organised around 6 Work Packages. WP1 deals with the strategic guidance of the project and offers a platform to national funding bodies to share strategies. It is the core for improving cooperation and setting the basis for long-lasting cooperation in the field of construction and operation of buildings. WP2 focuses on the preparation of the joint activities (including a future ERA-NET+) and thus supports the creation of a strong trans-national RDI community in the field. WP3 implement the joint activities, respectively in the two trans-national programmes and the new topics. WP4 continuously supports the improvement of the joint activities through a well structured learning and improving process. WP5 deals with communication and dissemination aspects, while contributing to improving the research culture in the sector. WP6 gathers the management activities.